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Here are last week's published decisions involving local governments:court collumn Fourth Circuit
  • Cherry v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City, No. 13-1007 (Aug. 6, 2014): In case brought by active and retired Baltimore police officers and fire fighters who participate in City's pension plan, reversing district court's decision that the City had violated the Contract Clause and affirming that the City had not violated the Takings Clause by changing how it calcualtes pension benefits.
Fifth Circuit
  • Thompson v. Mercer, No. 13-10773 (Aug. 7, 2014): In 1983 action against officer who shot and killed individual who had stolen vehicle and led police on a two-hour, high-speed chase, affirming grant of qualified immunity to officer because use of deadly force was not a constitutional violation.
  • Sullo & Bobbitt v. Milner, No. 13-10869 (Aug. 6, 2014): In unpublished decision, affirming dismissal of case brought by attorneys claiming First-Amendment right to access misdemeanor court records within one day of their filing.

Here are last week's published decisions involving local governments: SCT stairs[Update: I added the Ninth Circuit's Daubert decision. (7/31)] Second Circuit Carter v. Inc. Vill. of Ocean Beach, No. 13-815 (July 21, 2014): Affirming award of attorney's fees to County defendants in case brought by former police officers alleging wrongful termination and defamation. Cox v. Onondaga Sheriff's Dept., No. 12-1526 (July 23, 2014): Affirming dismissal of complaint alleging Title VII retaliation for racial-harassment claims. Reyes v. New York City Dept. of Ed., No. 13-158 (July 25, 2014): Finding that under IDEA, proposed IEP and school placement failed to provide student with free appropriate public education. Fourth Circuit

Here are last week's published decisions involving local governments:SCT pillars Third Circuit
  • Rosano v. Township of Teaneck, No. 13-1263 (June 10, 2014) (in action by current and former police officers against Township alleging violation of Fair Labor Standards Act because it did not pay proper overtime and provide compensation for attending daily roll calls and putting on and taking off uniforms, affirming grant of summary judgment for Township).
Seventh Circuit

Here are last week's published decisions involving local governments:Justice Sixth Circuit
  • Rorrer v. City of Stow, No. 13-3272 (Feb. 26, 2014) (reversing grant of summary judgment to City and against plaintiff, a terminated firefighter with a non-work-related injury, on ADA claim; affirming grant of summary judgment for City on First Amendment and ADA retaliation claims).
Seventh Circuit

Here are published decisions involving local governments from the federal appellate courts from December 16, 2013, through December 20, 2013: Sixth Circuit Seventh Circuit Eighth Circuit

Here's how local governments fared in the federal courts of appeals during the past week. Fifth Circuit United States v. City of New Orleans, No. 13-30161 (Sept. 27, 2013) (upholding denial of City's motion to vacate consent decree regarding police practices). Sixth Circuit Bessie Jones v. City of Cincinnati, No. 11-4174 (Sept. 27, 2013) (reversing district court's denial of qualified immunity to police officers regarding excessive-force and failure-to-provide-medical-care claims). Tenth Circuit Olson v. City of Golden, No. 11-1454 (Sept. 25, 2013) (dismissing as moot a challenge to City's campaign-finance regulations...