Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts
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Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Here are last week’s published decisions involving local governments:law books

Sixth Circuit

Hescott v. City of Saginaw, No. 13-2103 (July 2, 2014) (ruling that district court erred denying attorney’s fees to Hescotts in their successful 1983 action claiming that the City had unconstitutionally seized their personal effects by demolishing their property).

Seventh Circuit

Scherr v. City of Chicago, No. 13-1992 (July 2, 2014) (affirming that 1983 suit against officer based on alleged Fourth-Amendment violation was properly dismissed).

Price v. Bd. of Educ. of the City of Chicago, No. 13-2007 (July 2, 2014) (determining that terminated teacher did not have a property interest in continued employment that would support claim for deprivation of due process).

Eighth Circuit

Smith v. City of Brookly Park, No. 13-1640 (July 3, 2014) (affirming summary judgment for officers in case alleging that officers unconstitutionally used deadly force).

Ninth Circuit

Anderson v. City and County of San Francisco, No. 11-17330 (July 2, 2014) (vacating summary judgment for County on claim by current and former officers alleging that Sheriff Department’s policy prohibiting male deputies from supervising female inmates violated Title VII).

Sandoval v. Las Vegal Metro. Police Dept., No. 12-15654 (July 1, 2014) (reversing summary judgment for police officers in case alleging that officers unconstitutionally entered home).

Eleventh Circuit

R.L. v. Miami-Dade County Sch. Bd., No. 12-14880 (July 2, 2014) (in IDEA case, affirming award of reimbusement and attorney’s fees to parents, and affirming decision not to award compensatory education).

Booth v. Pasco County, No. 12-13389 (July 3, 2014) (reversing entry of judgment for County in suit brought by members of the Emergency Services Department against County alleging violation of Title VII).

(June 30, 2014-July 4, 2014)

Image courtesy of Flickr by Pawel Loj (creative-commons license, no changes made).