Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts
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Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Here are last week’s published decisions involving local governments:No-Loitering

Third Circuit

Seventh Circuit

Ninth Circuit

  • Haro v. City of Los Angeles, No. 12-55062 (Mar. 18, 2014) (ruling that under the Fair Labor Standards Act, fire-department dispatchers and aeromedical technicians are not “engaged in fire protection” under FLSA exemption and therefore are entitled to standard overtime pay; extending statute of limitations because of City’s willful violation; and awarding liquidated damages).

Eleventh Circuit

  • Bell v. City of Winter Park, No. 13-11499 (Mar. 20, 2014) (finding that City ordinance that bans targeted picketing near homes is content-neutral and withstands intermediate scrutiny under the First Amendment, but finding that ordinance provision allowing residents to post “no loitering” signs and to effectively control speech within 50-foot buffer area of property is unconstitutional).


Image courtesy of Flickr by Seth Anderson (creative-commons license, no changes made).