It is undisputed that police officers used reasonable force when they shot Angel Mendez. As officers entered, unannounced, the shack where Mendez was living they saw a silhouette of Mendez pointing what looked like a rifle at them. Yet, the Ninth Circuit awarded him and his wife damages because the officers didn’t have a warrant to search the shack thereby “provoking” Mendez. (Mendez kept a BB gun in his bed to shot rats when they entered the shack. Mendez claimed that when the officers entered the shack he was in the process of moving the BB gun so he could sit up in bed.) In Los Angeles County v. Mendez the Supreme Court must decide whether to accept or reject the Ninth Circuit’s “provocation” rule. Per this rule, “Where an officer intentionally or recklessly provokes a violent confrontation, if the provocation is an independent Fourth Amendment violation, he may be held liable for his otherwise defensive use of deadly force.”

In Crutchfield v. Testa the Ohio Supreme Court held that Ohio’s commercial activity tax (CAT) applies to online vendors even if they lack a physical presence in the state. More technically, the court refused to extend the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding in Quill Corp. v. North Dakota (1992), that states cannot require retailers with no in-state physical presence to collect sales tax, to Ohio’s privilege-of-doing-business tax. The State and Local Legal Center (SLLC) filed an amicus brief arguing in favor of this result.

You don’t have to be a linguist to understand that there is a wide gap between the meaning of “some” and “meaningful.” The Supreme Court must pick between these words to determine what level of educational benefits students with a disabilities must receive. The relevance of a special education case to local governments may not be obvious. But depending on how the Supreme Court rules, this case could mean cost increase for some, if not many, school districts. To the extent local governments fund local school districts and/or compete with them for limited state dollars, this case is relevant.

Every time a federal agency thinks the scope of a preemption clause in federal law is too narrow may it just write a regulation expanding it? That is the heart of the matter in Coventry Health Care of Missouri v. Nevils. The question of most interest to state and local governments in this case, more technically, is whether Chevron deference applies to an agency’s regulation construing the scope of a statute’s express-preemption provision.

In Texas, state law requires most people under age 25 to attend a state-licensed private driver education school to obtain a driver’s license. None of the schools accommodate deaf students. So a number of deaf students sued the Texas Education Agency (TEA) arguing it was required to bring the driver education schools into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).    In Ivy v. Morath the Supreme Court was supposed to decide when state and local governments are responsible for ensuring that a private actor complies with the ADA. The Court dismissed the case concluding it was moot most likely because Texas claimed that four of the students suing completed the driver education course and one moved out of state.

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna...

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna...

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna...

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna...

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna...