IMLA Awards
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IMLA Awards

The IMLA Awards Committee is composed of members from both the Board of Directors and the general membership. The charge to this Committee is to seek out potential recipients of these awards, to seek out potential nominators of those individuals, to encourage and assist potential nominators in submitting the documentation required to support a nomination, and to review nominations and recommend one or more nominees to the IMLA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will select the recipients of the Awards, and the Awards will be presented at the Annual IMLA Conference. Please see the toggles below for award descriptions, nomination procedures, and deadline information.

Charles S. Rhyne Lifetime Achievement in Municipal Law Award

James H. Epps III Award for Longevity of Service to a Community Award

Marvin J. Glink Private Practice Local Government Attorney Award

Daniel J. Curtin Young Public Lawyer Award

Brown, Mulligan, Rocha Distinguished Public Service Award

Bruce A. Noble Distinguished Canadian Municipal Lawyer Award

William I. Thornton, Jr. IMLA Faculty Award

Outstanding State League Counsel Award

Brad D. Bailey Assistant City/County Attorney Award

Burk E. (Buck) Delventhal Legal Advocacy Award

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award

Outstanding Associate Member Award

Outstanding State/Provincial Chair Award