Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts
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Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Here are last week’s published decisions involving local governments:NinthCircuit

First Circuit

Third Circuit

  • Hallsey v. Pheiffer, No. 13-1549 (Apr. 24, 2014) (reversing district court’s summary judgment for officers on fabrication, malicious prosecution, and coercion claims, in case arising out of suit brought by individual wrongly imprisoned for 22 years).

Seventh Circuit

Eighth Circuit

Ninth Circuit

Tenth Circuit

Eleventh Circuit

(Apr. 21, 2014-Apr. 25, 2014)

[Image courtesy of Flickr by Ken Lund (creative-commons license, no changes made).]