Thousands of Appellate Briefs on the Internet
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Thousands of Appellate Briefs on the Internet

Thousands of Appellate Briefs on the Internet

8122523_ab151ea98b_zSample briefs written by experienced attorneys can be an excellent source of information and guidance in drafting briefs, both as to style and substance.  No matter how experienced a writer may be, there are things to learn from the ways other writers approach a problem.

The Internet makes available a variety of appellate briefs worthy of review.

Depending on the site, it may be possible to search for subjects or parties.

A variety of briefs on specialized subjects or particular cases can also be located on the Internet
through appropriate searches. Searches on PACER and Google may reveal specific cases and briefs. Success will vary, but some results will be valuable. Obviously, nothing in any brief can be taken at face value or trusted as anything other than an idea and starting place for additional research.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Wendy Seltzer