Salary Survey
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Salary Survey

IMLA creates a Compensation Report to help provide a tool for municipalities with budgetary responsibilities and bench-marking. The Compensation Report is the result of research and analysis conducted by IMLA that culminates in an approximately 75 page report related to local government attorney and support staff salaries and other internal metrics related to law office management. The report includes salary data for 24 job classifications, including both attorney and support staff position and the data is ultimately broken down in a variety of ways including by size and geographic region.

The pricing structure for the final report is:

IMLA Members and Nonmembers who complete the survey – FREE
IMLA Members who do NOT complete the survey – $199
IMLA Nonmembers who do NOT complete the survey – $499

DISCLAIMER: The International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) publishes all IMLA Local Government Attorney Salary Surveys and associated data for general informational purposes only and disclaims any attempt to directly or indirectly suggest appropriate compensation levels or amount for anyone using the data and report. IMLA attaches no statistical significance and makes no claims about reliability with regard to the information contained in this survey. This informal survey simply reports aggregate data with breakdowns by a number of categories. The data is limited to and represents only that of the respondents and actual salaries may vary widely based on circumstantial conditions both inside and outside of a law office. IMLA expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use of the data resulting from this survey. COPYRIGHT: This survey is a product of IMLA. The contents of this survey may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, copied, disseminated, or published without written permission by IMLA.