Nominating Committee
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Nominating Committee

Pursuant to the IMLA By-Laws, IMLA is announcing the 2024 Nominating Committee. The Committee encourages people interested in being nominated for Vacant Positions on the IMLA Board of Directors and for IMLA Regional Vice Presidents to make their interest known to the Committee. Vacant Positions this year include open positions on the IMLA Board of Directors and the 4th Circuit, 8th Circuit (North), 10th Circuit (South) and 11th Circuit Regional Vice President.

In addition to filling vacancies, the Committee is charged with nominating the Board’s officers: including, Treasurer and President-elect. Some members of the board will be term limited and cannot seek reelection. As a result, there will be a vacancy or vacancies open. It is IMLA’s goal to have a Board that represents the organization’s diversity of region, gender, race, age and ethnicity and the Board welcomes all who wish to serve. Unlike other non-profit boards, IMLA does not require board members to contribute money to the organization but does seek persons who are interested in advancing its mission, increasing its membership and attendance at its programs.

Nominating Committee

Tyrone Cooper, Chair
Retired City Attorney

Mary Ellen Bench

DeWitt “Mac” McCarley
Village Attorney
Misenheimer, North Carolina

Darren Shulman
City Attorney
Upper Arlington, Ohio

Eric Shytle
General Counsel
Municipal Association of South Carolina