New Government Lawyer Bootcamp
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New Government Lawyer Bootcamp


The New Government Lawyer Bootcamp is designed to help attorneys new to the practice of local government law as well as seasoned attorneys who need a “refresher” in various general topics of local government law.  The Bootcamp provides an introductory level crash course in various topics that are relevant to the practice of local government law.  Each webinar is downloadable for IMLA members and can help supplement your in-house training for new attorneys.  The topics available are listed below, along with descriptions of each webinar. The Bootcamp webinars are not for CLE credits.

Bootcamp Courses are now available in the online store!

July 18, 2024

Whether you are an in-house attorney or outside counsel, you are no doubt aware that local government practice presents unique ethical issues that often arise unexpectedly. The local government client is comprised of innumerable constituent representatives that have varying levels of sophistication and understanding when it comes to the roles and responsibilities of the local government attorney. In addition, elected officials often have different ideas of ethical requirements than do administrative officials or (gasp!) local government attorneys. This presentation will describe a series of ethical challenges that resulted in the promulgation of Legal Ethics Guidelines as a means to educate the client on what we do, how we do, and why we do. The following ABA Model Rules will be discussed in the presentation: 1.6, 1.7, 1.11, 1.13, 3.8, 4.1, 4.2, and 5.1.

Speaker: Wynetta Massey

Click Here to Purchase (IMLA Members - FREE)

If you have any feedback or suggestions on future topics that should be included, please contact us.

The Bootcamp presentations are provided for informational and educational purposes. The Bootcamp presentations are being distributed by the International Municipal Lawyers Association and may not be redistributed without express written consent of IMLA.