Kitchen Sink
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Kitchen Sink

Sign up for our Kitchen Sink Subscription!

Your entire office will receive 40+ CLE distance learning events for a fraction of what it would cost separately!

With an ever increasing workload, and decreased allowances for staff training, everyone is looking to do more with less. One subscription to the “Kitchen Sink” will provide your entire office with at least 30 distance learning programs, for all of its CLE needs! These 30 programs are in addition to the 10 free webinars IMLA offers to all members. Kitchen Sink subscribers will continue to receive at least 40 distance learning programs for one small price!

Some advantages of the subscription:

  • You never have to sign up for the individual webinars, information is automatically sent to the contact we are given when you register.
  • Recordings are automatically sent after every webinar, convenient if you are unable to make it or simply want to listen/watch again!
  • Only Kitchen Sink subscribers can get CLE credit from our 10 free webinars we provide to IMLA members
  • The Kitchen Sink Subscription guarantees 40 top-notch CLE events, without you ever having to leave your home or office.
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The Value of our Kitchen Sink Subscription

(from Kitchen Sink Subscribers)

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