IMLA Listservs
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IMLA Listservs

Municode Listserv

IMLA, and its partner, Municipal Code Corporation, operate a listserv exclusively for use by local government attorneys. Joining is free, but limited to practicing municipal attorneys. As a note to attorneys joining, you may need to create a separate mailbox in your e-mail program (or, create a “rule” in a program such as Microsoft Outlook) to store the emails, as you should expect to receive a number of e-mails from the listserv per day.

With a single email, you can:

Tap into the expertise of hundreds of fellow local government lawyers

Request ordinances on a wide variety of topics from other municipalities

Track and review trends in local government law as they develop

Discuss the latest cases affecting local governments

…and much, MUCH MORE!

To Join, Click Here

You can also contact Municode at

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