Fellows Certification
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Fellows Certification

Type: Certification

Level: Advanced

Additional Details

IMLA Local Government Fellow Certification

Issued by the International Municipal Lawyers Association.

The prestigious IMLA Local Government Fellows Program was established to recognize attorneys as legal specialists in the field of local government law and to encourage attorney proficiency and competency in the local government legal field. The Program offers local governments a reliable benchmark for determining experienced and knowledgeable practitioners.

Earning Criteria

The Program is offered to applicants having been admitted to the bar for not less than five years with not less than five years experience in the field of local government law and at least three years of which must have been as a municipal attorney, assistant municipal attorney, county attorney, assistant county attorney, state league counsel, or assistant state league counsel.

As part of the application process, applicants are required to submit letters of recommendation attesting to the ability of the applicant in the field of local government law.  In addition, the applicant must have attended a minimum of one IMLA seminar or conference or other IMLA event in the previous two years.

Applicants must also show completion of at least six CLE credits in the field of local government law on national legal issues in the past two years and completion of at least six CLE credits in the field of local government law in the state/province of the applicant in the past two years. Passage of a two-part written examination is required for designation.