Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts
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Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Monday Morning Review: Local Governments in the Federal Appellate Courts

Here are last week’s published decisions involving local governments:NinthCircuit

First Circuit

Fifth Circuit

Sixth Circuit

Eighth Circuit

Ninth Circuit

  • Wilcox v. Arpaio, No. 12-16418 (June 2, 2014) (affirming court order granting motion to enforce settlement agreement against County; finding that County waived any available privilege and that district court did not clearly err in finding that County authorized County Manager to settle claims).
  • Rosales-Martinez v. Palmer, No. 12-15077 (June 3, 2014) (reversing dismissal of suit alleging he was wrongly convicted and improsed because of improper suppression of evidence; finding suit was not time barred).
  • Cohen v. Culver City, No. 13-55079 (June 6, 2014) (finding genuine issue of material fact as to whether City denied plaintiff access to the sidewalk under Americans with Disabilities Act by permitting a private vendor’s display to block existing curb ramp).


[Image courtesy of Flickr by Ken Lund (creative-commons license, no changes made).]