Newport Beach To Seek Supreme Court Review in Group-Home Case
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Newport Beach To Seek Supreme Court Review in Group-Home Case

Newport Beach To Seek Supreme Court Review in Group-Home Case

We have tracked the Ninth Circuit case of Pacific Shore Properties, LLC v. City of Newport Beach, No. 11-55460 — see previous posts here and here. Supreme CourtThe City has now announced that it will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case:

“In our opinion, the panel came up with a new theory of liability under the anti-discrimination laws that has never been recognized before, which opens up cities across the nation to potential liability,” Harp echoed.

(H/T How Appealing)

[Disclosure: Kira Klatchko authored an amicus brief on behalf of the League of California Cities supporting Newport Beach in the case.]

Image courtesy of Flickr by Mark Fischer (creative-commons license, no changes made).